Friday, July 10, 2009

Inch by Inch Rep by Rep

Recently hard times are falling on many of the people I care about most. Everyone is feeling the effects of this financial crisis, stress is high, injuries are occurring, sick family members are taking turns for the worse. Times like this make it tempting to turn off the lights and crawl in bed and stay there. It's hard to believe that the pain will end, but it will. If you can reach down deep and convince yourself to keep moving forward inch by inch; if you can bare the pain and continue doing the things you need to do, you will embrace and eventually overcome the pain and be a stronger person because of it. It's amazing the similarities between life and girevoy sport. In both it's the little things that matter most. If you can endure the pain, do those little things, and keep moving forward inch by inch, rep by rep, you will be succeed.

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