Saturday, March 21, 2009


Up until now I have always kept my goals to myself. I haven't announced them publicly because I've been too scared to fail. I hate to fail and I hate to lose. Growing up I refused to play the sports that I knew I couldn't win. I was a little on the competitive side to say the least. I actually remember cheating to win at the Rudoloph the red nose reindeer board game when I was 6. I probably only remember that because when my mom busted me she did her best Joe Jackson impression and smacked the he-man off my underoos. Today I'm 29 and can accept the fact that I can't win at everything, so I figured, why not reach another milestone and publicly announce a goal of mine? I figure if I put it out there I will be held accountable, and hopefully that will keep me motivated. So here it is, my goal for 2009 and ideally Chicago on August 29th, is to achieve MS (master of sport) in girevoy sport. My first competition was March 7th at the Arnold Classic. I was able to pull off a class II ranking (under the old ranking system, which for several reasons is better than the new system but will discuss that at a later time). So I set up this blog partly to be held accountable, but also to keep track publicly of my training and my mental and physical state throughout.

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