Come to find out, a lot! Every once in a while I'll take a trip out to the local big box gym to see what new or old and crazy things people are doing. It's usually a pretty successful visit as it gives me some good stories and plenty of ideas for blog posts. One thing I realized is, for most people, working out is a lot like buying a car.
Am I the only one seeing the similarities here? In the gym, the machines = cars. There are lots of them to choose from but most are just shiny and overrated. People walk around them, look at the little diagrams to see what should burn where, and touch it a couple of times like they're about to try it on. They think they're supposed to used it because they see other people on it and they've seen Jillian Michaels use it. Unfortunately they didn't come prepared. They don't have a plan and haven't done any research so in comes the trainer. Just like the car salesman they adjust the seat and start selling all the benefits. They give hope and promises to the unarmed victim instead of supplying cold hard facts.
I'm not bashing trainers. There are a lot of great ones out there. Car salesmen, I think there might be a few of you out there that are actually good people too. The takeaway is really for the average gym goer.. If at anytime during your workout you feel like you're at carmax you should probably reevaluate the situation. Go back home, figure out what you want, do some research, get a plan, and hire someone respectable to help you so you don't waste your time and money.